Team McKinky

Team McKinky

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Bagel Sandwiches

Well, it's been quite some time since we last posted! We were so busy trying to get the house ready for the housewarming (pictures to come soon!), the blog was put on the back burner. This post today is going to be a recipe for another breakfast item that is super easy and can be made in bulk for the week: Bagel Sandwiches.

Bagel Sandwiches
Serves 2 for one 5-day work week

10 bagels (we prefer plain or multigrain)
10 eggs
10 slices of your favorite cheese (Swiss for the McKinkys)
10 rashers of bacon or sausage patties (optional)

Slice and toast bagel halves. Spread mayonnaise on each half. Cook eggs separately from each other, over-medium or over-hard style (the sandwiches aren't very appetizing if the yolk is runny several days later). Flip egg onto one half of the bagel, add bacon or sausage (or not), and slap some cheese on top. Put the other half of your bagel on top, and put each sandwich into individual baggies. As you are running late to work(inevitably), all you have to do is grab one and heat it up for ~30 seconds (until the cheese is melted). YUM.

1 comment:

  1. I'm glad you finally posted again! I hope to see more in the future. My blog's on hold till I go back to work and have new adventures to post.
